Finding Balance off the Mat
Finally, my friend Moira decided to give yoga a try. “There’s a sense of lack to my life,” she said, as we were driving to the studio to...

Maintaining your Practice
I am looking forward to returning to the studio. Life has been incredibly busy of late and I have missed the regular routine of teaching....

Creating Space
Since my journey with yoga began more than twenty years ago, I have waxed and waned between disciplined and completely lax about my...

Vote for T-Bird - Survivor Finalist
I am inspired by fellow yogi and friend, Teresa Cooper, also known as T-Bird Survivor Season 3 Finalist, but its not her celebrity that I...

Sciatica - It can be a pain in the butt.
Symptoms can include (but are not limited to): Pain along sciatic nerve pathway – lower back, buttock, back of thigh or calf. Numbness or...

Pain in the neck
What can you do for you neck? You may wonder what will help and I did, too. Because there is so much information coming at you from every...

What's your style?
With so many styles to choose from, you may wonder which one is right for you. Easy answer, the one that helps you develop awareness. Ok,...

Want some magic? Practice restorative yoga!
Our lives can be incredibly demanding, especially in this 'connected' age where technology and multi-tasking consume every moment of our...

King of Asanas
Ancient texts refer to Sirsasana as the king of postures and with good reason as the benefits are many. The pose positively effects four...

In Good Company: How to maintain your practice during the holidays.
Finding time for your regular practice can be hard. Sometimes its all you can do to make to your favorite yoga class once a week, but...